We have a serious problem and a serious need. Our serious problem is sin. We were brought forth in iniquity and in sin we were conceived (Psalm 51:5). We don’t just choose to sin, we sin because we are sinners. Romans 3:23 states, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. Everyone has missed God’s divine mark and fall short of His righteous standard. White, black, old, young, rich, poor, male, female….Everyone Is Guilty!
Our serious need is to be reconciled to God. In our sinful and unredeemed state, we are estranged from God, at odds with God, and even an enemy of God. This serious need must be addressed but we lack the power and ability to adequately address it. This dilemma has eternal consequences and the soul of every man is at stake. God is holy, perfect, righteous, and just. Man is sinful, flawed, wicked, and corrupt. How can we, who are sinners, be made right in the sight of a holy God who requires perfection?
Our serious need is to be reconciled to God. In our sinful and unredeemed state, we are estranged from God, at odds with God, and even an enemy of God. This serious need must be addressed but we lack the power and ability to adequately address it. This dilemma has eternal consequences and the soul of every man is at stake. God is holy, perfect, righteous, and just. Man is sinful, flawed, wicked, and corrupt. How can we, who are sinners, be made right in the sight of a holy God who requires perfection?
The good news is that God has made a way for guilty, sinful man to be made right in His sight and justified before Him. How? Through the sacrificial, substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ completely satisfied God’s just demands for perfection in that He lived a perfect, sinless life. Therefore, He qualified to be the perfect and acceptable offering to God on the cross. At the cross, God’s righteous wrath was satisfied. Now all who trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are:
1. Saved from the wrath of God
2. Justified in the sight of God
3. Adopted into the family of God
4. Called to live a life pleasing to God
5. Promised to live eternally in the presence of God
1. Saved from the wrath of God
2. Justified in the sight of God
3. Adopted into the family of God
4. Called to live a life pleasing to God
5. Promised to live eternally in the presence of God
All of this (and more) is because of JESUS!! Jesus addresses our serious problem. Jesus addresses our serious need. We owed a debt we could not pay and Christ paid the debt He did not owe. He paid our sin debt in full by His death on the cross with His precious blood. Romans 5:8 states “But God demonstrates His own loves toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Because of His perfect life, His voluntary and substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, we can have eternal life. That’s what is known as the gospel! That’s the good news! You can be made right with God by placing your faith, hope, and trust in Jesus Christ and in His finished work on the cross. Will you trust Him? Will you surrender your life to the Lord Jesus? If you have never responded to the message of the cross (the gospel of Jesus Christ) and trusted in Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life, this is the day of salvation.